About HEDERA HELIX (IVY) EXTRACT: The ivy plant is an evergreen climbing plant and its botanical name is Hedera helix. It has a strong, ligneous stem and sticks to walls and trees by means of its hook roots. The constituents of ivy are triterpenoid saponins, comprising the hederagenin glycosides, hederacoside C (5%), ß-hederin and the oleanolic acid glycosides, hederacoside, phenolic acids, flavonoids, malic acid and fatty acids. It further contains rutin and nicotifloroside in the flavonoids which are part of the phenolic compounds as well as caffeic and chlorogenic acids. The active ingredients are the triterpenic saponins which are to be found in all parts of the plant. and ß and K hederin have been isolated and later the hederacoside. Hederacoside A is hydrolysable into glucose, arabinose and hederagenine, this lat compound belonging to the group of pentacyclical triterpenes; and B hederacoside can be hydrolyzed into rhamnose, arabinose and oleanic acid. ...
Muzi Agricultural Ltd engages in manufacturing and export organic agricultural products, natural plant extracts to foreign markets